History of School
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre built the Staff quarters with the view to facilitate accommodation to its employees. The quarters remained unoccupied for want of a school in the vicinity. To address the issue VSSC Central School was planned as an auxiliary unit of the Centre. Its inception was humble and small in scale. It started functioning on 28th June 1976 in two Type II Quarter in the Housing Colony Thumba. There were three teachers and twenty-eight students. To start with there were classes 1 to 5. Shri.C Subramaniam, the then Controller, VSSC inaugurated the school. VSSC administrative staff and parents were present on the occasion.Appointment of teachers was according to KV norms. There was no formal byelaw or governing structure for the school at that time.
Four teachers appointed as per KV norms joined the school on May 24 1976. Smt K C Padmakumari, Smt. M Leelamoni, Kum. Rema Nagarajan and Kum. Rugmini Devi and the Vice Principal, Shri. M S Anantha Ramu joined as Vice Principal on 10th September 1976. They were instrumental in laying the foundations of the school. The First of the 5 blocks of the school building were completed and the classes were shifted to the new building, the present school site. The staff strength soon increased to 7. Subsequently the school grew in size and quality.
Administration decided to grant for admission to wards of VSSC employees residing in the Housing Quarters. Plan of expansion was taken up. One more block was added on to the building in 1977-78. The student strength rose to 105 and the staff strength became 13. In 1978-79, class VII was started and the strength rose to 214.Approval for Middle school was got in 1979.Subsequently admission was granted to wards of all employees of VSSC, CISF and also the grandchildren of VSSC employees against vacancies in Class I.
Affiliation to CBSE
The school followed the CBSE syllabus and affiliation to the Board was mandatory. Affiliation from CBSE for classes IX and X was obtained in 1980. The First batch of a handful of 6 students appeared for the AISS Examination (Class X) in 1982 securing 100% success.
With the ever-growing strength, there was need to add more space. The 3rd and 4th Blocks of the school building were opened in 1985-86. The Parent Teacher Association was constituted in the same year. The Computer classes were introduced in classes 9 and 10. Faculty was arranged from the Computer Division of VSSC. In 1986 the student strength grew steadily to 600 with a total of 34 staff members both teaching and non-teaching. The school got affiliated to CBSE and got the status of a senior Secondary school in 1987.
Initially, three Post Graduate teachers, posts were sanctioned. The school got its first post graduate teacher, Smt Leelamoni on promotion and two more PGTs were recruited. Class XI was inaugurated in 1987 by Sri. S C Gupta, the then Director of VSSC with 29 students in Science Streams. PGTs were recruited for all subjects. The construction of the 5th Block started in the very same academic Year. Shri Anantharamu was elevated and he became the founder Principal of the school. The National Cadet Corps, Air Wing also started functioning in the same year. Shri Vijayakumaran Nair became the first National Cadet Corps officer of the school. The first batch of 29 students appeared for the AISSC Examination in the 1989.The saga of success and glory of the school was set in motion. Shri Anatharamu superannuated in 1989 and for a brief spell the school was managed by Smt Leelamoni the senior PGT. She became the Vice Principal in 1998.In 1990-91 Sri. C N Rahulan and Sri. P K Sinha from KV Sangathan took charge as principals on deputation from KV. Permission for two sections in classes XI and XII was accorded in 1987and started operating from 1992-93. In1993-94 Hindi was introduced as an Elective Subject. In 1995-96. Sri. HP Sharma from SHAR Space Central School joined as the Principal for the School in 1995. Computer Science was also introduced as an Elective at the Senior Secondary Level. The school celebrated its Silver Jubilee in the year 2000-01. Sri. G Madhavan Nair, Director VSSC inaugurated the celebration. It was a 3-day long celebration. A host of inter school activities and events were arranged. Following Smt Leelamoni,s superannuation as Vice Principal in 2005, Smt Pushpa R. Menon became the Vice Principal from 2005-08. In the year 2008 Shri HP Sharma superannuated and Smt Pushpa R. Menon was promoted as Principal in 2009. Dr. Beena Prabha from Space Central School, SHAR was appointed as Vice Principal. Smt. Pushpa R Menon superannuated in 2022 and Dr.Beena Prabha was promoted as Principal in 2023. Dr. T.Kannan , Sr, Sc PGT was promoted to Vice Principal in 2023. Commerce stream in Sr Sec section was introduced in 2009.Malyalam was introduced in the Secondary section up to X in 2009. The school grew in strength and evolved with the state of the Art facilities. In 2016, the school was accorded the Government School status by the Board and became eligible for Regular Affiliation. Various guidelines were formulated for the smooth governance in administration. Admission guidelines were revised, the optimum strength was fixed at 70 in each class. The Management Council under the Chair of the then Chief controller Shri KM Nair opened the school,s portals to non VSSC students in partial fulfillment of the Right to Education Act. The guidelines for Vidya Vikas Nidhi were also framed in 2012. Committees like School Management Committee, School Advisory Committee, PTA Executive Committee started functioning. The school management manual was formulated in 2017. The schools mission and vision statements were defined. Parent Teacher Interactions were streamlined and made a regular feature. A counselor was appointed on contract. Students were given opportunities to develop other skills like dance, music, badminton, band for which coaches and instructors were appointed on contract. Medical checkup, Yoga sessions, Guidance and counselling also became a regular feature of the school,s academic calendar apart from the routine events and festive celebrations Periodic interactions by the Principal, Vice Principal and Chief Controller with the students and their parents became regular features to appraise the parents with a view to bring out the best in each child. To help improve performance, remedial classes for weak learners, intensive coaching for slow learners form a part of the Academic Improvement Measures. Parent-teacher interactions are held quarterly for the assessment and evaluation of the performance. The school provides a conducive and encouraging environment for the holistic development of each child. The students are mentored and motivated to participate in the co-curricular activities. All the students are divided into four Houses and competitions are conducted for individual items as well as group items separately for each category. The Houses are Subash, Tagore, Ashok and Raman. Assembly activities, Discipline, Creativity and Cleanliness of the school are monitored by them on weekly rotation under the supervision of the House Masters.
Regular In-service Training programmes and Workshops for teachers are arranged to upgrade their knowledge and hone up their skills and abilities.
Students are encouraged to take part in competitions like CBSE Science Exhibition, Aerospace Olympiad, Digital India Competitions, NTSE, KVPY cultural and literary events and they achieve commendable success. They are encouraged to bring out class manuscript magazines like the ‘Quest’ and ‘Shristi. The school clubs also started functioning to hone up creative, literary and scientific skills
The school celebrates Onam, Teachers Day, Independence Day, Children’s Day, Sports Day, Republic Day and Annual Day every year and maximum participation from the students is encouraged. The school exhibition which showcases the creative output of students in all subjects and areas is a regular feature of the school
The school is proud of its National Cadet Corps activities. It has 50 cadets in its rolls. The Girl wing of NCC was introduced in 2009. The school has a trained NCC officer and a lady caretaker.2 NCC Cadets from the school attended the Republic Day Parade held at New Delhi for two consecutive years. The School also has a band team with 25 students on its roll.
Right from its inception, the school has laid due emphasis on Sports and Games. The school has six grounds for hockey, volleyball, basketball, football cum cricket, Kho Kho, ball badminton respectively and an indoor shuttle badminton court. It has an indoor TT room as well. Two rooms are earmarked to stock sports equipment.
The school also keeps atab on the health quotient of its students. Annual medical check by the team of doctors from VSSC is also amandatory feature.
The School Magazine ANTARIKSH is another prominent feature of the school. The first edition of the magazine was brought out in 1980. Since then, it is published every year providing a platform to showcase the creative talents of the students. From year 2017, Graduation Day is held for the outgoing students of class XII. The school also observes the Investiture Ceremony entrusting responsibility and developing leadership skill in students. From 2008 onwards, the school buses started operations. The school auditorium was inaugurated by the Chairman Dr Madhavan Nair in the presence of other dignitaries in July 4 2007.In 2009 the school environs became safer with the posting of Security Guards. In 2012 the school got a proud GSLV model at its entrance. The labs in the school were renovated and upgraded with the latest equipment.
The school has Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, Junior Science, Junior Activity and Physics labs. The school went green with lush gardens in each block and many fruit bearing and flowering trees. The school library which was a full-fledged one with reference section that had been set up in the second block and functioning since 1978 was augmented and automated and shifted to the V block. The new library was inaugurated by the then Director Shri Ramakrishnan on November 16,2013.The Official website of school was formally released on Nov16, 2013. In January, 2015,Senior Classes were equipped with Smart learning modules and Information and Communication Technology led classrooms. This was formally opened by the then director Shri Dathan.
The school facilitated online payment of fees in June 2015.In2016, sanitary vending machines and incinerators were installed for promoting health and hygiene.InJanuary,2018 the compound wall with a majestic gate and name board was constructed and in September,2018 CCTV surveillance system was installed. In 2019 Robotics club was inaugurated by the then Director Shri Somanath. The school also got its Art studio, Music room and a TT room soon after. Now the school is a full-fledged one with 800 students, 42 regular and 26 contract staff members. These include teaching, non-teaching, ministerial, janitorial, security and horticulture personnel. The school was further augmented with ICT involved classrooms post Covid.
With interest and support of the Centre, parental cooperation and the dedication of the staff, the school is poised to scale greater heights in the years ahead. It has travelled far. Its alumni are doing exceedingly well in their personal and professional lives. But this state of the art institution has many more promises to keep and challenges to face to prepare students for a life beyond classrooms.